Thursday 3 July 2008

Hot Trends watch: Klishamoop

Here's a weird one: the term "" recently hit #60 on Google's Hot Trends. I don't recommend going to the site if you're spam or virus-averse -- but if you're not, it's sort of amusing as an example of a bad scam. A11News has the details here.

Apparently, it starts when you get an email or MySpace message saying Klishamoop "has" your profile pictures, and you better go to the site to get them back. When you log into this site, a hilarious female computer voice says, "Attention, please, your profile picture has been detected on this website." 

You're then asked to input name, e-mail address, password, cellphone number and a pin -- enough for the bad guys to do you some harm. Finally, with a little ingenuity, you're given access to the profile picture you came to rescue. It's this:


Oh, I remember when that was taken -- good hair day.

See Also